Some great ‘pop-off’ combos are available and there’s the opportunity to go aggressive or play at instant speed to counter your opponent’s threats. Dimir Control – Dimir is a really fun deck to construct right now and is a breath of fresh air after Rogues dominated the archetype last year (more on that later).
These decks are sometimes the most fun to just experiment with to try and crack the code behind their missing elements. Small changes can be the difference between running the gauntlet in competitive matches or just outright falling flat. Gold decks are on the precipice of being elite but also have their downsides. Read More: Pinfinity Crimson Vow AR Pin Set Review MTG Arena Deck Tier List – Gold Major ramp/treasure token creation is needed early on to help it reach its potential but when it works, it’s a beast. Izzet Dragons – Izzet Dragons looks to play on the strength and popularity of the now-defunct turns deck and is much stronger following the bans that neutered it.It still needs a little more refinement and Kamigawa hasn’t hindered its success.

Rakdos Vampires – Rakdos is very slowly building up steam and this was the archetype that Innistrad was destined to create.This new deck composition takes the best of aggro from res and white to create a very dangerous and fun to play concoction. You’ll remember that cycling decks took off in the 2021 season but Boros has been MIA ever since Winota rotated out. Boros Aggro – A recent surge in Boros decks has seen the overall archetype refined for the 2022 season.

Perhaps when Kamigawa arrives, it may receive the extra support it needs.

With Izzet taking a hit, it may be the best deck on MTG Arena right now. Perhaps it was much stronger earlier in the season but now that the meta has evolved slightly with the Innistrad sets, it’s fallen off the pace ever so slightly.